
For example, one night, I encounter the universe on my usual way home. As I walk along the street at night, I try to contact the universe. We can’t go to space yet, but we can always discover the universe in our daily lives.

For example, a group of aluminum pipes that we see in a back alley looks like alien life. A pair of shoes left behind reminds me of a story there, and the curve mirrors scattered around the city are always looking at me. From such imagination, the scenery of our daily life changes into something strange and strange.

I would be pleased if I could make such an opportunity for you, living in the same age, to renew your “gaze on the everyday” and to see the usual scenery.

Moka Takeda | 武田萌花


Born in Tokyo, Japan


Graduated from B.F.A Tokyo University of the Arts,
Department of Inter-Media Art
Now,M.F.A. Tokyo University of the Arts, Department of Inter-Media Art


Exchange and Guest student in Akademie der Bildenden Künste München, Scalpture class (Hermann Pitz class)

I make installation works using images and stories about "landscape" and "movement" in the city.


  • 2023

    ICC Annual 2023: Shapes of Things/emergencies! 045”Day Tripper”(ICC,Japan)

  • 「Eyes On The Horizon-Perspective shift」(BUoY,Japan)

  • 「Eyes On The Horizon」(The 5th Floor Gallery,Japan)

  • 「EKKYO.Fes」(Sendai,Japan)

  • 2022

    Ausstellungsprojekt 「Storage」(Munich,Germany)

  • Jahresausstellung2022「Klass Pitz: COPULA」(Munich,Germany)

  • 2021

    Online Exhibition”TOKYO GEIDAI ART FES 2022”

  • “Gunma Youth Biennale 2021” [The Museum of Modern Art,Gunma]

  • Online Exhibition”TOKYO GEIDAI ART FES 2021”
  • Report Exhibition “Dai-Kyoto 2020 in Kameoka”[Kyoto]

  • 2020

    23rd Japan Media Arts Festival related projects ”ART MEETS TOKYO”[Tokyo/SHIBUYA MIYASHITA PARK)
  • ”ATLAS Exhibition”[Tokyo University of the Arts]

  • Online Exhibition “INTRODUCTION EXHIBITION2020 on the web”

  • “Dai-Kyoto 2019 in Kameoka”(Canceled due to COVID-19)

  • “Tokyo University of the Arts 63rd graduation exhibition” [Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum]

  • 2019

    “WIP Exhibition”[Tokyo University of the Arts]

  • 2018

    Exhibition of two artists ”Doomsday”[Tokyo University of the Arts]

  • Group Exhibition ”VACANCES”[Tokyo University of the Arts]

  • 2016

    Galley Conceal Shibuya Exhibition ”TRANSITION”[Tokyo]



  • 2021

    “Gunma Youth Biennale 2021” be accepted.

  • Online Exhibition”TOKYO GEIDAI ART FES 2021” Award of excellence